Issue 17, October 19, 2016
Index 2016
Following is an index to the pests and other topics addressed in the 2016 issues of the Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. Following each item is the issue number where each topic is located. (Phil Nixon)
Herbicide drift 9
Invasive species awareness 3
Mower damage 7
Pesticide collection 10
Pesticide respirators 13
Phenology 3
Plant Clinic 1
Turf aeration 16
Insects & Other Animals
Bagworm 6, 10
Billbug 11
Borers 4
Brown marmorated stink bug 1
Buffalo gnats 5
Carpenter ants 16
Chinch bug 16
Cicada killer 13
Daylily leafminer 11
Emerald ash borer 3, 5, 15
Eye gnats 5
Fall webworm 14
Flatheaded appletree borer 4
Galls 2
Grass sawfly 4
Green June beetle 13
Gypsy moth 8
Horsehair worm 9
Japanese beetle 10, 12
Jumping worm 10
Leafminer 11
Lecanium scale 6
May beetle 7
Mosquitoes 1
Mushrooms 10
Planthopper 11
Roundheaded appletree borer 4
Rove beetlls 5
Scale 6
Sod webworm 8
Spruce Spider Mite 1
Strawberry root weevil 9
Syrphid flies 12
Viburnum crown borers 4
Viburnum leaf beetle 7
White grubs 11, 12, 15
Woolly aphids 15
Zimmerman pine moth 14
Anthracnose 5, 6
Apple scab 7
Bacterial leaf scorch 14
Botrytis 5
Black knot 11
Boxwood blight 4, 9
Bur oak blight 14
Cankers 3
Cherry leaf spot 12
Chlorosis 11
Diplodia tip blight 9
Dutch elm disease 3, 7
Fire blight 3
Heat stress 9
Macrophoma leaf spot 4
Oak leaf blister 6
Oak wilt 3, 12, 14
Powdery mildew 5
Pruning 3
Red blotch 5
Rusts 2
Slime molds 8
Southern blight 15
Spruce needle casts 2
Summer patch 16
Tubakia leaf spot 14, 15
White mold 15
Winter injury 4
Angelica 7
Butterweed 5
Common ragweed 16
Common violet 2
Cow parsnip 7
Crabgrass 3
Exotic weeds 2
Giant hogweed 7
Giant ragweed 16
Goldenrod 16
Groundivy 2
Henbit 2
Johnsongrass 3
Moss 5
Nimblewill 1
Poison hemlock 7
Purple deadnettle 2
Quackgrass 3
Ragweed 16
Tall fescue 3
Wild parsnip 11
Yellow rocket 5
Phil Nixon