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Plant Management Network

May 18, 2005

The Plant Management Network (http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org) is a unique cooperative resource for the applied plant sciences. Designed to provide plant science practitioners fast electronic access to proven solutions, the network offers an extensive searchable database comprised of thousands of Web-based resource pages from the network’s partner universities, companies, and associations.

For the horticulturaly minded, the Applied Turfgrass Science and Plant Health Progress journals provide credible and current research and reports in areas important to practitioners, policy makers, and the public. In addition, you’ll gain access to the image database, B&C tests online, and F&N tests online.

F&N (Fungicide and Nematicide) Tests is published annually as a national compilation of efficacy-research results for new fungicides and nematicides, as well as new findings with older products. These brief reports address a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops, including turfgrass and ornamentals. B&C (Biological and Cultural) Tests is published annually as a national compilation of research results for biological and cultural controls of plant diseases. These brief reports address a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops, including turfgrass and ornamentals.

Some parts of the Plant Management Network are free; other areas require a subscription. Annual subscription fees range from $38 (member affiliated) to $45 (regular personal). Complementary access is available to employees of partner organizations, such as the University of Illinois.

Author: Bruce Paulsrud


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