No. 9/June 18, 2012
Scouting Report
Japanese beetles, false spider mites, honeylocust mites, and oak mites are discussed.
Twospotted Spidermite
Twospotted spidermites are being seen on a variety of both deciduous and evergreen broadleaf plants. They and their relatives, including oak mite and honeylocust mite, thrive in the hot, dry conditions that we are experiencing in many areas of the state. In cooler, damper weather, fungi attack and kill them, keeping them under control.
Hosta Petiole Blight
Hostas are an essential component to every shady garden. They are available in a wide variety of sizes, leaf shapes, textures and colors. They are also very easy to propagate, transplant and share with friends and family. This unfortunately can contribute to the spread of some nasty plant diseases. Two weeks ago our newsletter included information on Hosta Virus X, a severe disease caused by a viral pathogen. This week I spotted Hosta Petiole Blight in a local landscape.
Rose Mosaic Virus
Wherever there are roses, there is also the lurking threat of rose mosaic virus. This viral disease is distributed throughout the world and can infect a wide range of plants. Its causal pathogen, rose mosaic virus (RMV) has been associated with Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV). However, symptoms that are similar have also been seen on roses with single or mixed infections of PNRSV, Apple mosaic virus (ApMV), and Arabis Mosaic virus (ArMV).
The Rain (at my house) Falls Mainly on the Plantain
Buckhorn plantain and broadleaf plantain are cool-season perennials that have a similar growth and tend to be found in meadows, pastures, waste areas, and lawns. Buckhorn plantain is common on drier sites, on neutral to basic soils, and in low-quality turf of low to moderate soil fertility. It can tolerate compacted soils and low mowing heights. Common buckthorn prefers fertile, moist soils but will tolerate some shade, low mowing, low fertility, compacted soils, and dry sites.