No. 13/July 30, 2010
Bagworms continue to be numerous throughout the state with many bags being about one and one-half inch long and others much smaller at about three-fourths to one inch long.
Zimmerman Pine Moth
Zimmerman pine moth should be susceptible to control in southern Illinois at this time. Treatment in northern Illinois should occur around mid-August. Permethrin, sold as Astro and other trade names, will be effective for several weeks sprayed on the trunk and larger branches.
Japanese Beetle Resistant Elms
Research published in May, 2010 by Jennie M. Condra, Christina M. Brady, and Daniel A. Potter of the University of Kentucky provides Japanese beetle resistance information for Dutch elm disease resistant elms.
Bacterial Leaf Scorch Treatment
For many years I have been advocating testing of oaks for bacterial leaf scorch (BLS). This disease is a silent killer of sorts. It is caused by a bacterium, Xyllela fastidiosa, which lives only in the xylem tissues.
Hosta Petiole Blight
This past week we had a beautiful case of hosta petiole blight. I beg the pardon of the grower whose hosta was devastated by this disease. It is truly amazing that a fungal pathogen can so totally take over a large, otherwise healthy, hosta, causing all of its leaves to collapse.
Thank You and Farewell
This is my last article for the Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. I want to take this opportunity to thank my loyal readers, as well as those who are new to the newsletter, for taking the time to read and question what we have to say. I am about to start my next phase of life--retirement.
Asiatic Garden Beetle
An accidental import from Japan and China in the 1920's, the Asiatic Garden Beetle has expanded its range to cover much of northeastern North America. It is commonly found from New England to Ohio and down to South Carolina. In 2009, the Asiatic garden beetle was found in traps in St. Clair County in Illinois.
Asian Longhorned Beetle: Your Vigilance Can Save Trees
The Asian longhorned beetle (Anaplophora glabripennis), a native of China, was brought to the United States in wood packing material. This insect is a serious pest even in its native range. Here in the United States, where it has no natural predators, it is of even more concern.