No. 13/October 8, 2021
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys; BMSB) is an introduced species that was first recorded in Illinois in 2010. BMSB can feed on over 300 species of plants. It can be a pest of fruits, vegetables, field crops and ornamental plants. It’s ornamental hosts include maple, oak, spirea, viburnum and rose, among many others. These insects have straw-like mouthparts that they use to suck fluids from plants. The resulting injury can look like discoloration or dead patches on leaves. In fruits and vegetables, injury can appear as discoloration, lesions or cat-facing.
Common Weed Control Mistakes
As Groucho Marx put it so well, “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.” I’m hopeful my kids will take this lesson to heart. Fortunately, we learn from our mistakes, most of the time. Preventing mistakes is best, but we are all humans and mistakes are unavoidable. Maybe you have seen the bumper sticker, “Mistaeks Happen”.
Turfgrass Rust
Turf rust outbreaks are commonly seen late summer to early fall as moderate temperatures and long evening dew periods occur. Rust diseases are most severe on slow-growing turf stressed by drought, summer heat, low-fertility, shade, or compaction. From a distance, severely infected turf appears thin and tinted yellow, red, or brown (Photo 1). Closer inspection will reveal individual blades with numerous yellow-orange pustules (Photo 2). Orange spores produced within these pustules easily transfer to shoes, pets mowers, or anything that contacts the rust-affected grass. While harmless, the spores can be a nuisance.
Three Reasons Why You Should Let Your Phone Go to Voicemail While Working With Pesticides
Have you ever tracked how much time you spend using your smartphone? This past week, I averaged 1 hour and 54 minutes per day viewing email, browsing websites, and scrolling social media. The temptation of immediate access to information can be hard to resist. Whatever your opinion on smartphone usage may be, the following are three reasons why your phone shouldn’t be in your hand while mixing, loading, or applying pesticides.