No. 14/October 30, 2019

Last Issue for 2019
This is the last issue of the Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter for this year. We plan on publishing the first issue of 2020 in mid-April. As always, your suggestions for improving this newsletter are welcome. Contact me at Thanks for your interest and input this year.

Leaving habitat for beneficial insects
Holding off on some fall clean up in the home landscape can provide essential overwintering habitat for beneficial insects and beloved native species like lacewings, solitary bees and fritillary butterflies!  Here are some of the habitats these insects can benefit from:

Prostrate Knotweed - HYG - 2019
Prostrate knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) is a warm season (summer) annual that has been prevalent this summer with the dry conditions.  To the untrained eye, it may go unnoticed.  However, with colder conditions, this plant takes on a purplish color.  The blooms are tiny but they are easily visible at this time too if one stops to look. The flowers are borne in small clusters in leaf axils from June through October but typically go unnoticed due to their small size.  The sepals are white to green, with pinkish margins.  Seeds then follow which is how the plant reproduces.

Winterizing Your Spray Equipment
Now is the time to service and winterize your equipment. Your sprayers should be at the top of that list. The end of the season is an excellent time to conduct a deep cleaning and inspection of all your sprayer's components. This inspection will ensure that your sprayer is free of residues, properly functioning, and ready for those early in the spring applications.

Index 2019