No. 13/August 14, 2018

Adult billbugs are small weevils, about 3/8 of an inch long, and brown or black in coloration. They have the distinct long snout and hard wing covers that are characteristic of the weevil family. Adult billbugs spend much of their time in the soil making them difficult to locate for identification. When adults are above ground, they are usually flightless and may be seen walking along driveways and sidewalks.

Guignardia Leaf Blotch
Guignardia leaf blotch is a fungal disease that affects many Aesculus species. In Illinois, this disease is commonly seen on the common horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). Symptoms begin as rapidly enlarging, irregularly shaped, water-soaked areas. Affected areas eventually turn red-brown with a yellow halo that merges with the surrounding healthy green tissue. Small lesions will initially be limited by veins, but can enlarge, coalesce and lead to distortion and partial shriveling of leaflets.

Test Now for Bacterial Leaf Scorch
Bacterial Leaf Scorch (BLS) is a serious infectious disease with a wide host range of trees and shrubs. The disease causes the slow decline of the host, resulting in host death. It is caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa which is also responsible for Pierce's Disease in grapes and is currently causing widespread damage to the Italian olive industry.

Aerating Lawns
As we are nearing fall, it is time to start looking at strategies prepare our lawns for the next growing season. Right now, you should be able to notice areas in lawns that received more traffic, unfavorable grass species, nutrient deficiencies, subtle ponding or even bare spots. This time of the year is perfect for aerating your lawns to help them repair, recover and reestablish for the next growing season.

Applicators for Hire Must be Licensed
There is some confusion surrounding the issue of when a pesticide applicator license is required. Whether you need a license or not depends on two things: what you are going to apply and where you are going to apply it.