No. 7/June 11, 2018
Modified Growing Degree Days (Base 50°F, March 1 through June 7)
Insect development is temperature dependent. We can use degree days to help predict insect emergence and activity. Home, Yard, and Garden readers can use the links in this article with the degree day accumulations to determine what insect pests could be active in their area.
Lilac Borer / Ash Borer
Lilac borer (Podosesia syringae) is also called ash borer because of its varied taste in host plants. Lilac borer can attack lilac, ash, privet and other members of the olive family. Adult moths are about 1 inch long, slender, with dark brown bodies and yellow banding. They resemble paper wasps in appearance and behavior. They are active during the day and flex their abdomens as they walk.
Fourlined Plant Bug
We have spotted the fourlined plant bug (Poecilocapsus lineatus) doing unsightly damage to a favored garden plant. These fourlined plant bugs are aptly named for the four black lines that run down the leathery part of the adults' wings. The outer two lines end with a dot and the two inner ones end where the membranous part of the wings starts. The lines of the adult fourlined plant bug can be bright green to bright yellow. The body of the nymphal stage can be bright red and develops the four lines as it matures.
Weedy Members of the Carrot or Parsley Family– Identify Before You Touch!
Wild parsnip, or poison parsnip, is not really poisonous; however, it has the ability to cause sun-induced blistering or "burns" on the skin. The sap contains chemicals (furocoumarins) that cause phytophotodermatitis. Basically, if your skin absorbs these chemicals and is then exposed to sunlight, an interaction takes place; the result is reddened burned-like skin and/or blisters.
Fire Blight
Fire blight is a bacterial disease that infects approximately 75 different species of plants, all in the Rosaceae family. Apples, pears, crabapples, and ornamental pears are the most seriously affected species. Other rosaceous hosts include: cotoneaster, hawthorn, quince, firethorn, and mountain-ash.
Communication and the Illinois Lawn Care Application Notice Act
As a landscape professional, communicating with our client should be first. The relationship that we build with our client yields trust that can yield a continuous business. The communication we have with them should be informative, and timely. The time that we spend with them is important so that we can gather their needs or wants and also be able to inform them of our procedures. This can be easy to do with single family units but as we look at more commercial settings it isn't so easy to have that one on one conversations. In Illinois, there is a very specific requirements for communicating to clients when a lawn care product has been applied.