Issue 1, April 11, 2016

Mild Winter Favors Brown Marmorated Stink Bug; Increased Number of Reports

This past winter, the reports of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) continued to come by phone, and email well into February. We've seen an increase in populations in several areas of Illinois over the past year. Northeastern Illinois and Madison/St. Clair counties continue to be hot spots of activity. However, we are still receiving reports statewide, and have confirmed BMSB in several new counties.

During the spring, adults break their dormancy and move from their overwintering locations such as houses, garages, barns, and other dry places. Like many invasive insects, the brown marmorated stink bug has a very long list of host plants it will feed on. In addition to several woody ornamental trees, it feeds on many crops that are grown in Illinois--peaches, apples, grapes, soybeans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, and more. During this early part of spring, before many host plants are available, we will see them utilizing trees and shrubs.

Brown marmorated stink bug adult.

As we progress through the growing season, we will continue to update you on the latest BMSB news, including updated distribution and host plant injury. As always, we continue to encourage reports of BMSB, especially in areas we do not have official confirmations and if there is any unusual injury to plants.

Brown marmorated stink bug distribution map.

Counties confirmed with brown marmorated stink bug in Illinois.

To positively confirm any insect as BMSB, we need to look at an actual specimen. Suspect stink bugs may be sent to Kelly Estes, 1816 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL  61820. Please put stink bugs in a crush-proof container (pill bottle, check box, etc). You can also send a photo to for preliminary screening if you wish. (Kelly Estes)

Kelly Estes

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