Issue 2, May 12, 2014
Illinois Invasive Species Awareness Month
You are invited to come see what is happening with invasive species in Illinois!
The Illinois Wildlife Action Plan's Invasive Species Campaign is sponsoring the 2014 Illinois Invasive Species Symposium. This event is a one-day, all-taxa symposium that features a great lined up of speakers to give presentations on invasive plants, diseases, insects, and animals. To see a full list of the day's presentations can be found here.
Illinois Invasive Species Symposium
May 29th, 2014 9:30-4:00
IDNR Office Building - Springfield, IL
One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702
The meeting is free to attend (lunch is on your own) and will include a ceremony for this year's Invasive Species Awareness Month Awards.
While the meeting is no cost and no registration is required, we ask that you let us know if you plan on attending this symposium by emailing (Kelly Estes)
Kelly Estes