Issue 19, November 20, 2009

Last Issue for 2009

This is the last issue of the Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter for 2009. The transition from a fee-based, internet and printed, professionally edited and designed newsletter through the Ag. Publications group to a free access, internet only, in-house edited and designed newsletter through the IPM group at the University of Illinois was successfully accomplished. Despite prior planning and preparations, some adjustments had to be made along the way, which we realize caused some concern and problems among our readers. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

We have progressed from a newsletter whose subscription base had dropped to something unsustainable to a healthy readership. Perhaps the number of subscriptions did not represent the readership, but that was all that we had to evaluate. We plan on starting the 2010 issues in April. As always, we are open to your suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter.--Phil Nixon

Phil Nixon

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