HYG  Pest newsletter

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Pest Handbook Addenda

November 19, 2008

As reported in the last issue of this newsletter, the Commercial Landscape & Turfgrass Pest Management Handbook will not be revised until 2010. Following are addenda to the latest, 2007 issue.

Turf weed-control updates as of November 2008

Tenacity (mesitrione) can be applied to Kentucky bluegrass, tall and fine fescues, and perennial ryegrass to control grassy and grasslike weeds (such as creeping bentgrass, crabgrass, and yellow nutsedge) and broadleaf weeds (including clover, dandelion, and chickweed).

Certainty (sulfosulfuron) can be applied to creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and mixtures of Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescues and/or perennial ryegrass to control grassy and grasslike weeds (such as tall fescue and yellow nutsedge) and broadleaf weeds (including dandelion and chickweed). (Tom Voigt)

Insect-management updates as of November 2008

Acelepryn (chlorantroniliprole) can be applied to golf courses, home lawns, sod farms, and other turfgrass areas to control annual white grubs, Japanese beetle grubs, true white grubs, armyworms, cutworms, sod webworms, Ataenius grubs, billbug grubs, chinch bugs, and green June beetle grubs.

Arena (clothianidin) can be applied to golf courses, home lawns, sod farms, and other turfgrass areas to control annual white grubs, Japanese beetle grubs, true white grubs, armyworms, cutworms, sod webworms, Ataenius grubs, billbug grubs, chinch bugs, and green June beetle grubs.

Arena (clothianifin) can be applied to trees, shrubs, and other ornamentals to control birch leafminer and lacebugs. It can also be applied to caterpillars such as bagworm, cankerworm, eastern tent caterpillar, European pine shoot moth, fall webworm, gypsy moth, leaf crumpler, mimosa webworm, Nantucket pine tip moth, walnut caterpillar, whitemarked tussock moth, yellownecked caterpillar, pitch mass borer, and Zimmerman pine moth. It can also be applied to clearwinged moth borers such as ash borer, dogwood borer, lilac borer, peachtree borer, and viburnum borers.

Aloft is a mixture of clothianidin and bifenthrin and can be applied to control pests listed for either insecticide according to label directions.

Meridian (thiamethoxam) can be applied to golf courses, home lawns, sod farms, and other turfgrass areas to control annual white grubs, Japanese beetle grubs, true white grubs, Ataenius grubs, and billbug grubs.
Meridian (thiamethoxam) can be applied to trees, shrubs, and other ornamentals to control aphids, black vine weevil adults, honeylocust plant bug, honeylocust leafhopper, and honeylocust pod gall.

Clothianidin, thiamethoxam, and imidacloprid are all nicotinyl insecticides with similar modes of action. This should be considered when developing insecticide rotations to avoid insecticide resistance.

Confirm (tebufenozide) can be applied to control European pine shoot moth and Nantucket pine tip moth.

Cranberry girdler can be controlled with halofenozide (Mach 2), trichlorfon (Dylox), clothianidin (Arena, Aloft), chlorantraniliprole (Acelepryn), or Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Cruiser). Irrigate with 1/2 inch of water after application.

Pales weevil adults can be controlled with sprays of cyfluthrin (Tempo) or permthrin (Astro, Pounce) in mid-April and August to cut stumps and seedlings.

Redheaded pine sawfly and white pine sawfly larvae can be controlled with sprays of acephate (Orthene), azadirachtin (Azatin, Bioneem, Ornazin), carbaryl (Sevin), or spinosad (Conserve). (Phil Nixon)

Plant disease–management updates as of November 1, 2008

Turf. AllBan (a.i. thiophanate-methyl) by Scotts, for control of dollar spot, copper spot, brown patch, Zoysia patch, red thread, anthracnose, gray leaf spot, summer patch, Fusarium blight, and stripe smut. (Also controls ornamental diseases; see below.)

Concert (a.i. propiconazole and chlorothalonil) by Syngenta, for control of anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, Fusarium patch, gray leaf spot, melting-out, leaf spot, powdery mildew, red thread, pink patch, rust, stem rust (bluegrass), and stripe smut.

Stellar (a.i. fluopicolide and propamocarb hydrochloride) by Valent, for control of Pythium blight and damping-off.

Turney (a.i. metconazole) by Valent, for control of dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, gray leaf spot, red thread, Rhizoctonia large patch, rust diseases, summer patch, Zoysia patch, fairy ring, pink snow mold, gray snow mold, and yellow patch.

Triton (a.i. triticonazole) by Chipco, for control of dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, gray leaf spot, red thread, large brown patch, rust, summer patch, pink snow mold, gray snow mold, red leafspot, and take-all patch.

Greenhouse use only. Pipron [a.i. piperalin: 3-(2-methylpiperidino) propyl 3,4-dichlorobenzoate] by SePRO, for powdery mildew on African violet, begonia, catalpa chrysanthemum, dahlia, gerbera daisy, grape-leafed ivy, hydrangea, kalanchoe, lilac, monarda, phlox, pointsettia. Cut roses and potted roses. Annual verbena and zinnia.

Ornamental plants. AllBan (a.i. thiophanate-methyl) by Scotts, for control of anthracnose, black spot of rose, brown rot and blight, Fusicladium and Venturia leaf scabs, many leaf spots and blights, Ovulinia blight, powdery mildews, rust diseases, and tip blights on pine on many ornamental herbaceous and woody plants. (Also controls turf diseases; see above.)

Fungicides to watch for in 2009. Adorn (a.i. fluopicolide and propamocarb hydrochloride) by Valent, for control of downy mildew, phytophtora, and Pythium on all ornamentals (bedding plants; conifers, including Christmas trees; flowering plants, foliage plants, ground covers; nonbearing fruit, nut trees, and ornamental trees; shrubs and vines (waiting for state approval).

Renown (azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil) by Syngenta, for control of brown patch, gray leaf spot, dollar spot, large patch, leaf spot and anthracnose on golf courses and sod farms only (waiting for EPA approval). (James Schuster)

Author: Phil Nixon


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