HYG  Pest newsletter

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Strawberry Root Weevil

August 2, 2005
We have had several calls recently about strawberry root weevil adults. They are hard-shelled beetles about 3/16-inch long, with the head narrowed into a large muzzle. They range from tan to black, being lighter when they have recently molted to the adult stage. Strawberry root weevil adults look like small black vine weevils, which are close relatives. They are attracted to cracks and crevices, commonly coming into houses. These adults typically do not feed indoors, but they occasionally feed on house plants. They may live for a year or more indoors.

Outdoors, the adults feed at night on the petals and leaves of flowers and other plants, eating notches out of the edge of the petal or leaf. They commonly feed heavily on the petals of black-eyed Susan, daisy, rose, trumpet creeper, and other flowers, eating the entire edge away. Leaves of attacked outdoor plants can be sprayed with acephate (Orthene), bifenthrin (Talstar), and other labeled insecticides. Keep the insecticide off of the flower petals. The larvae feed on the roots of many landscape shrubs and other plants, preferring those of needled evergreens. It is usually not practical to try to control the larvae.

Author: Phil Nixon


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