HYG  Pest newsletter

Issue Index

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November 27, 2002
2002 Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter, 1:1, 12:1, 20:1
2003 Commercial Landscape and Turfgrass Pest Management Handbook, 20:1
Addendum to 2001 handbook, 1:1
Coincide, 4:2
Greenhouse management workshop, 2:1
Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Guide, 5:1
Mosquito pesticide-licensing clinics, 18:3
Organic growers, 5:1
Plant Clinic, 1:1, 17:1
Turfgrass and Landscape Field Day, 12:1
Winter programs, 19:1

Turf, 7:2, 18:2
Waterlogged plants, 5:7

2002 outlook, 1:3
Ash plant bug, 5:5
Bagworm, 7:3, 8:3, 9:3, 11:4, 13:3
Black cutworm, 15:3
Black vine weevil, 8:3, 9:3
Bronze birch borer, 7:4, 8:3
Calosoma beetle, 5:5
Cankerworms, 2:4
Carbamates, 5:6
Caterpillars on trees, 15:3
Cicada killer, 14:4
Cooley spruce gall adelgid, 4:3
Cranberry girdler, 19:3
Dogwood sawfly, 17:4
Dormant oils, 1:3
Earwig, 9:4, 11:4
Eastern spruce gall adelgid, 4:3
Eastern tent caterpillar, 2.4
Elm leaf beetle, 6:3
Euonymus scale, 8:3, 9:3
European pine sawfly, 2:3
Fall webworm, 11:4
Gouty oak gall, 9:4
Gypsy moth, 3:3, 5:6, 11:3; traps, 10:3
Hemlock rust mites, 2:4
Insecticides, 5:5, 20:2; insecticide/miticide, 5:6; impact of Japanese beetle sprays, 15:3
Japanese beetle, 10:3, 12:3, 15:3
June beetles, 13:3
Leafminers, 7:4
Magnolia scale, 17:3
Maple petiole borer, 8:3
May beetles, 7:4
Mosquito, 17:4, 18:3
Mimosa webworm, 17:4
Organochlorines, 5:5
Organophosphates, 5:6
Peachtree borer, 6:4, 13:3
Periodical cicada, 4:4, 5:5, 7:4, 8:3
Pine needle scale, 10:3
Potato leafhoppers, 9:3, 13:3
Pylon, 5:6
Sand wasp, 14:4
Scale, 20:3; scrufy, 12:4
Scouting watch, 2:4, 4:3, 5:4, 7:4, 8:3, 9:3, 11:4, 13:3, 15:2, 17:3
Sod webworms, 3:3, 13:3, 19:3
Spruce bud scale, 10:4
Spruce spider mite, 2:4, 18:3
Sycamore lacebug, 15:3
Tuliptree scale, 17:3
Twospotted spider mite, 13:3, 14:2
White grubs, 12:3, 13:3, 14:3, 15:2, 17:3, 19:4
Whitemarked tussock moth, 8:3
Wood-boring insects, 5:4, 16:3
Zimmerman pine moth, 2:3, 17:3

Plant Diseases
Aegopodium, 15:1
Anthracnose, 5:1; dogwood, 8:1; on trees, 3:1; spot, 8:1
Ash problems, 7:1, 20:2
Ash, ground, 15:1
Bacterial blight, 3:2
Bacterial scorch, 13:1, 19:2
Bishop?s weed, 15:1
Black spot of rose, 8:1
Botryosphaeria canker, 13:2
Botrytis, 6:1
Boxwood problems, 1:2
Cankers, 2:2, 16:2, 18:1
Chlorosis, 10:1
Crown gall, 11:2
Cytospora canker of spruce, 11:2
Daylily rust, 19:2
Dead wood, 2:2
Diagnostic tip, 14:2, 16:2
Disease overview, 12:3
Dutch elm disease, 12:1
Elm yellows, 14:1
Euonymus speckling, 15:1
Fire blight, 2:2, 9:1, 16:2
Fungicides, 2:1
Fusarium root rot, 5:3
Hawthorn rust, 16:2
Hosta diseases, 8:2; foliar nematodes, 17:1
Juniper blights, 7:2
Leaf curls and blisters, 6:2, 13:2
Leaf spots, English ivy, 9:1
Leucostoma canker of spruce, 11:2
Mulch, 5:1
Oak problems, 18:1; 19:3; stress, 17:1; wilt, 11:1
Pachysandra blight, 9:2
Phytophthora root rot, 5:3; of rhododendron, 4:1
Pine gall rusts, 15:2
Pine needle blights, 4:2
Pine wilt, 12:2, 18:2
Plant Clinic, 1:1, 17:1
Powdery mildew, 10:1
Prevention, 1:2
Pseudomonas syringae, 3:2
Pythium root rot, 5:3
Rhizoctonia root rot, 5:3, 14:2
Rhododendron problems, 16:1
Root rots, 5:2, 9:2
Roses, thick, thorny stems, 12:2
Scab of crabapple, apple, pear, 2:1; apple, 7:1
Slime flux, 15:1
Slime molds, 6:1
Sphaeropsis, 13:2; of pine, 4:1
Spreader?sticker, 20:1
Spruce needle cast, 3:1
Sudden oak death (SOD), 19:3
Verticillium wilt, 10:2
Vinca blight and root rot, 9:2
Water damage, 5:3
Weather, 14:1
Wetwood, 15:1
White pine problems, 16:1

Chocolate, 6:2
Dacthal, 3:2
Poison ivy, 17:2

Author: None


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