HYG  Pest newsletter

Issue Index

Past Issues

First Issue for 2001

April 11, 2001

Welcome to the Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter for 2001. We plan to provide you with timely information throughout the growing season on insect pests, diseases, and weeds associated with turf, trees, shrubs, flowers, and other landscape plants. Up-to-date control information will be provided that is appropriate for the professional horticulturist.

Issues will be biweekly during April, followed by weekly issues in May and June. In July, August, and September, pest impacts become less intense, so we will drop back to biweekly issues. The October and November issues will be monthly and focus not only on pest issues for that time of year but also on winter educational meetings and an index to the year’s topics. There will be 20 issues.

Author: Phil Nixon


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