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1997's Most Common Plant Diseases

November 26, 1997
The Bi-State Horticulture Conference in Moline on November 5
was the rebirth of an annual
conference to address the concerns of landscapers in the
northern areas of Illinois and Iowa. Among
others, I was asked to speak at the conference with my Iowa
Plant Clinic counterpart, Paula Flynn.
Our topic was the ten most common tree and shrub disease
problems in 1997. The diseases we chose
to discuss (not in order of importance) were cedar-apple and
related rusts, anthracnose, oak wilt,
Verticillium wilt, ash decline, Sphaeropsis blight of pine,
Rhizosphaera of spruce, Cytospora of
spruce, black knot of plum, and environmental or abiotic

Of course, Paula and I had a time limit to consider for
our talk, but based on what I saw at the
Illinois clinic this year, I would probably add Phytophthora
root rot, Phomopsis of juniper, pine wilt,
white pine decline, and Dothistroma/brown spot on pine to
this list. If you are aware of other diseases
that were particularly bothersome, drop me a line and I will
make time this winter for literature
searches and to prepare material for next year's Home,
Yard and Garden Pest Newsletter.
It is not
always possible to do a thorough job researching articles in
the midst of the busy clinic season. Send
in your ideas now so that we can better serve you.

Author: Nancy Pataky


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