No. 12/July 26, 2013

Green June Beetle
Green June beetle adults have been reported in large numbers. These beetles are stocky, green, and about three-fourths inch long. They make a loud buzzing sound when they fly and apparently prefer to fly into upright objects, including people. They are most active on warm, sunny days and are present from Peoria on south in Illinois. They feed on flower pollen and are commonly found on flowers. They also feed on soft fruits, causing severe damage to ripening peaches.

Minute Pirate Bug
There have been numerous reports of people being bitten by minute pirate bugs throughout the state. A common species, Orius insidiosus, is known as the insidious plant bug.

Springtails are tiny, jumping insects associated with turf, mulch, and nearby areas. Most species are one-sixteenth to one-eighth inch long, although there are some giants that approach one-quarter of an inch. They are particularly numerous this year, probably due to the extra rainfall.

Verticillium Wilt Strikes Again
Verticillium wilt on elm has recently been diagnosed at the U of I Plant Clinic. Verticillium wilt is caused by the fungal pathogens, V. albo-atrum or V. dahlia. These pathogens are found in the soil and can easily survive there for years because of its ability to produce resting structures that can directly infect the roots of susceptible plants. Hundreds of plant species, including trees, shrubs, groundcovers, vines, vegetables, fruits, herbaceous ornamentals, and flowers may become infected. There appears to be different strains of Verticillium sp., so plant susceptibility may vary. Some trees that are frequently infected by this disease are maple, ash, elm, and redbud. Luckily, some plants can be genetically resistant to this disease. For a list of trees and shrubs that are affected by Verticillium wilt, you can refer to the following link:

Spotted Wing Drosophila: A New Pest of Illinois Fruits
In the upcoming weeks as fruit crops ripen and become ready for harvest, the invasive pest Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) will begin to make its appearance. Originally from East Asia, SWD first appeared in the Western US in 2008 and became widespread throughout the country within a matter of years. Detected in Illinois in 2012, infestations were confirmed in Pope, Union, Marion, Champaign, Tazewell, Adams, and Ogle Counties, but is likely to be present throughout the state.

Modified Growing Degree Days (Base 50° F, March 1 through July 25)
Insect development is temperature dependent. We can use degree days to help predict insect emergence and activity. Home, Yard, and Garden readers can use the links below with the degree day accumulations above to determine what insect pests could be active in their area.