Issue 17, October 22, 2013

Index 2013

Following is an index to the pests and other topics addressed in the 2013 issues of the Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. Following each item is the issue number where each topic is located.

Drought 1
First Detector training 2
Healthy plants 3
Invasive species awareness 2
Pesticides 9, 14, 16
Phenology 1, 3
Plant Clinic 1, 7, 14

Aphids 5
Asian longhorned beetle 13
Bagworm 9, 10, 11
Borers 5
Boxelder bug 9
Brown marmorated stink bug 3, 14, 17
Earthworm 1
Emerald ash borer 4, 13
European pine sawfly 2
Fall webworm 14
Green June beetle 12
Gypsy moth 3
Hemlock woolly adelgid 8
Honey bees 6, 16
Japanese beetle 9, 10, 11
Leafminer 10
Mealybug 8
Mimosa webworm 6
Minute pirate bug 12
Mites 1, 8
Neonicotinoids 16
Planthopper 7
Pollinators 14, 16
Potato leafhopper 15
Sawfly 2
Scale 5
Spotted wing drosophila 12, 14
Springtail 12
Sycamore lace bug 16
Sycamore leafhopper 16
Ticks 4
Viburnum leaf beetle 7
Whiteflies 15
White grubs 11, 13, 17
Woolly aphid 7
Yellow-bellied sapsucker 2
Yellownecked caterpillar 13

Anthracnose 4
Bacterial leaf scorch 11, 15
Bacterial leaf spot 9
Blight 8, 13
Bur oak blight 15
Cedar rust 7
Cryptococcus macerans 2
Downy mildew 2, 4
Drought 1
Holly decline 8
Late blight 15
Leaf blotch 16
Maple blight 5
Oak wilt 10
Rust 7, 14
Slime mold 11
Sanitation 10
Taphrina 6
Thousand cankers 13, 14
Tomato woes 9, 13, 15
Verticillium wilt 12
Winter injury 3, 17

Asiatic dayflower 10
Dandelion 2
Giant hogweed 5
Herbicides 4
Invasive weeds 4
Lesser celandine 3
Purslane 7
Quackgrass 9
Star of Bethlehem 1

Phil Nixon

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